Recharge Basins and Pipeline

The Project.

Recognizing that the local supply of water is being reduced every year, this project will store water from the Northern California snow-pack in basins for future use. This is the culmination of the Morongo Pipeline, a joint-agency 71-mile project. After transport to the recharge pools, the water will percolate and be filtered naturally into the groundwater basins to be stored for future use.


Joshua Basin Water District


Joshua Tree, CA


  • Geotechnical

Project Fact:

At the JBWD offices, demonstration gardens are designed to use one-third of the water used by a traditional Southern California landscape.

The Leighton Solution.

Leighton prepared a geotechnical design report for this 4.5-mile water supply pipeline and 39-acres of terraced soil-cement recharge basins.

Several value-engineered levee designs were considered to reduce project costs for this rural water district. Caltrans required and Leighton prepared a separate report for a bore-and-jacking segment of this sewer under SR-62 (Twentynine Palms Highway), which is Caltrans right-of-way.

Under a separate contract, Leighton provided full-time/as-needed field observations and compaction testing services during construction of the Supply Pipeline and the Recharge Basins. Services included observations and testing of trench backfill and pavement subgrade preparation. The referenced project plans were utilized to determine the approximate location (station number) and elevation of field density tests.

For the basins, services included observations and testing of grading process, pipeline PCC backfill, pavement subgrade and aggregate base preparation.